Internationally famous topless dancer, Bunny Glamazon, 6'3", 192 lbs., takes apart a male 5'6", 140 lbs. , who has been annoying her at the club. She destroys the little twerp, as she uses wrestling holds, schoolboy pins, devastating headscissors and headlock holds to render him helpless. After her victim further infuriates the gorgeous blonde Amazon, she uses her mammoth, incredible breasts to facesit the life out of him. Not content, she ignores his begging and pleading and kicks him and rides him like a horse. To finish her beaten victim, she uses her awesome tits as a battering ram, pulverizing his face and head. And now the coup de grce as she places her big, powerful, gorgeous ass on his head and pumps, grinds and rubs him into oblivion. This video will drive you wild.
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