Kris Luebke v. Wally Wally, 5?5?, 148 pounds is in awe of the180 pound powerhouse female, as they compare muscles, then engage in test of strength (arm wrestling, leg-wrestle), as Kris show her vast physical superiority. Wally then foolishly suggests they wrestle and Kris uses her massive and powerful body to immobilize and hurt her smaller challenger as she pours on the punishment. Lift, carries, airplane spins, bear hugs, tight school boy pins, excruciating body scissors, cradle pins, cross body pins, and even a bow and arrow all serve to convince Wally that Kris is indeed one woman who is far bigger, stronger and physically superior to him. The final sequence is a must-see as the amazon applies one punish head scissors after another ? figure 4, standing, reverse head scissors all which leave her victim in a sorry state and in a state of semi-consciousness.
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